Back to Tini. So I get everything I bring to work in the car, along with the Very Small Dog. She rides very well in the back seat and did well on the retractable thingy hooked only to her leash (see previous post about trying to get the harness on her...) I work afternoons, so bringing her wasn't going to be an all day thing. And it's a good thing I brought the baby gate because it was nice enough yesterday to have the front door at work open and I sure didn't want Very Small Dog to run out into the street.
Tini, aka the Very Small Dog, did very well except for that whole growl at everyone that came to the door of my office, including my boss, thing. Fortunately she lives with a small dog too, so she knows how they can get about the growling & barking. (whew!)
Tini waiting to go home. |
So all in all she did pretty well, even settled down a couple of times and laid on the floor like a normal dog!
I think she'll get another chance at going to work with me, but maybe next week will be Paco's turn to go to work with me.