Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tini goes to work...

Yesterday I brought Tini to work with me.  Which meant I had to go dig out the baby gate from in the basement and lug that to work too.  Which then meant I forgot to bring back a friend's laptop that D checked out to see what the problem was (yes, I live with a techie type woman and well, I find that amazingly attractive!)

Back to Tini.  So I get everything I bring to work in the car, along with the Very Small Dog.  She rides very well in the back seat and did well on the retractable thingy hooked only to her leash (see previous post about trying to get the harness on her...)  I work afternoons, so bringing her wasn't going to be an all day thing.  And it's a good thing I brought the baby gate because it was nice enough yesterday to have the front door at work open and I sure didn't want Very Small Dog to run out into the street.

Tini, aka the Very Small Dog, did very well except for that whole growl at everyone that came to the door of my office, including my boss, thing.  Fortunately she lives with a small dog too, so she knows how they can get about the growling & barking. (whew!)

Tini waiting to go home.
And I've come to realize that Very Small Dog shakes a lot, like vibrate herself into another dimension shakes.  At first I thought it was because she was cold, but then I realized it's probably nerves or as a lot of people have told me -it's 'a small dog thing'. 

So all in all she did pretty well, even settled down a couple of times and laid on the floor like a normal dog!
I think she'll get another chance at going to work with me, but maybe next week will be Paco's turn to go to work with me.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Going to see the Grandparents

Today I promised to bring the two little dogs over to see the Grandparents, so they could visit a bit, since they will be traveling and will miss the dogs.  Now mind you, I totally get the missing the dogs part, I have pets and have had to be away from them before, so yes, I understand.  However, these aren't my dogs, we are TDS (the dog sitters) and Paco isn't particularly fond of me - yet.  First I tried to get Tini's harness on her - really M&P, you are able to somehow figure out how to put it on her without a) choking the dog or b) making her two front legs useless?  Scratch the harness, small dog leash thingy gets attached to small dog collar.  I'll take my chances with just the collar.

On to Paco.  I thought I might have to follow him all through the house to get near enough to attached the leash thingy (both dogs have those retractable leashes).  But yeah me!  He saw me grab the leash things & sat right down & let me but it around his neck & we were set to go.

Off to the grandparents we go, dogs in the back seat, all of us listening to some mellow acoustical cd.  We get to the house & the dogs know immediately where to go.  The dogs immediately are totally excited to be home & see their people.  I thought Tini would vibrate herself into oblivion from happiness!

So here are the dogs hanging out with grandparents - these 2 dogs (and the humans too) were happy to be with each other!

 Wasn't it Charlie Brown who said 'Happiness is a warm puppy'?  It was neat to be able to see the joy in the dogs grandparents & in the dogs themselves this afternoon.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day One

Meet Paco & Tini, two very small dogs who are living with us for a couple of months while their moms are on a much needed sabbatical.  Since I figured their moms were going to blog about their adventure, why not let the dogs have a blog too? 

So, these photos, which I blended together were shot the first night they were in the house.  Paco, who is rather stand-offish, stood still long enough for me to get a good photo of him.  He's still rather skittish around us, though he seems to favor D. Me, not so much, but he's always been that way with me, so it will be interesting to see if that changes over the next 60 days.

Tini is really small!  But oh so wiggly and happy to be around us.  And not so crazy about her photo being taken. Plus, her eyes in photos always look like she's possessed, lol.

When our friends come to visit they bring the dogs, so the dogs know when they are close to the house and start to get really excited.  They love our backyard, which for dogs of their size, is HUGE!

This is should be interesting since after all, we, The Dog Sitters (TDS) are use to a 50 lb. dog and 5 cats, all of whom outweigh Tini! And so far we've gotten through the first 24 hours with no problem, yeah us!